Tuesday, August 08, 2006
About Me
- Name: Sharon
- Location: New Jersey, United States
Welcome to my world of gratuitous snark, fiber, and occasional adventures of a certain pirate.
Stick a fork in 'em...
Email Me: saburket@yahoo.com
On Ravelry and Plurk: HolyKnitballs
- Botanica Medallion
- Mickey socks
- Nutkin socks
Sittin' here Knittin'
Languishing in Purgatory
Mystery shawl


These links are the ShizKnit:
Folks I love and their sites-pay them a visit:
She's...so pop-u-lar:
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Previous Posts
- Our best buddy and family member becomes a US citi...
- A redhead with two sticks on a mission
- Some more finished items!
- Yeah, it's been awhile.
- Dun, dun, dun dun dun dun dun...dundunda dun dadad...
- Pics - Finally- Somebody give the girl a medal!
- And she's through the gates at lightening speed...
- Raise um up y'all
- This is just too damn cute. JenLa created the cut...
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