The battle of the sexes- THE VACATION DOUBLE STANDARD
The girls and I would agree that if you were single on this cruise, there was a major sex double-standard.
Case in point, the MEN got this............................................... The LADIES got this..........and plaid no less.
I hope this dude never finds his butt plastered on my blog but we're making a statement here folks. Plaid + speedos= NO NO
And lots of men wearing pink....head to toe in baby pink. That is a difference between Italian men and American men I think. Here most men wouldn't be caught dead in it unless you had lovely coloring or were rockin a serious tan. It was just really bizarre to see men in head to toe baby pink. Not that there is anything wrong with this at all...just bizarre for us American gals to see since color is has such a gender-specific connotation here.

OK, now MY retinas are burning. I have NEVER seen a plaid speedo.
Yeah that was tame in comparison to some of the things we saw on that ship. My eyes still hurt. :-)
that is totally unfair! I think I might never get that image out of my head. :)
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