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'Cause sometimes I even surprise the knit out of myself.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Avast me hearties, surrender yer yarn!

Me yarrrrrrrn world and pirate world have collided, mates. What ye think about the purdy new threads, lovelies? Now where be the me precious "Pearl" and witty Captain Jack?
Hello. I am a giant dork in my new pirate shirt, savvy?
Aye lovelies. Should have known he'd be out pillaging for yarrrn. That be a nice lot of merino golllld. Cursed I say it is. Once ye put yer needles to it, ye needn't be tryin' out anything else. Cursed for life, I say with it's kettle-dyed siren song. 'Tis the Kracken of the knittin' world. Forever in the depths of The Stash Locker, ye never to be seen again.

What say you Captain Jack Sparrow? Ye be a marked man soon enough with that Malabrigo Gold.

That be me Jack likeness that me sister-in-law and mother-in-law pilfered (bought. ahem pirate talk, mates) from the Disney store that be closin' at the Tortuga Mall. Strappin' pirate, that Jack Sparrow. The cursed Malabrigo be in the colorway Vaa for the February Lass (Lady) sweater. The knittin' be better with a bottle of rum, says I. "Where's the rum gone?"
"Yo ho, yo ho a pirates life for me....
Now mmmMalabrigo, show me that horizon (knit stitch)".

The giant dork will now go back to playing with her pirate dolls and yarn, savvy?

Good. We have an accord.


At 11:35 AM, Blogger KubusKrafts said...

Shiver me timbers! Don’t hornswaggle me, I know you have me rum! A monkey jacket out of yer Malabrigo might be better suited. Well, drink up me hearty, fly your Jolly Roger for all to see and knit away!

At 1:10 PM, Blogger Nicole said...



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