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'Cause sometimes I even surprise the knit out of myself.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A First

My first handspun yarn that is. I broke out of my sweater-knitting box this week to try something new. From Sunday's post, I showed you the Schacht drop spindle I purchased at Woolbearers with this roving. It's Romney hand-dyed.

And by Monday night, it became this...soaked, stretched, dried and skeined. Obviously, this is my very first attempt at spinning so there are thick and thin parts. I think I understand the technique, but I need to become more coordinated with pinching, drafting, and keeping the drop spindle going clockwise at the same time. My first try on Sunday probably resembled some sort of fiber train wreck. I persevered.

It kind of reminds me of the thick/thin slubby texture of Manos del Uruguay. I was aiming for something around worsted for my first go until I could get the technique down. I must say I am proud at my novice attempts. I guess my non-existent level of patience lately had me wondering if I would be frustrated within the first 5 minutes. I was actually very intrigued and was anxious to have something to skein. I can compare my future spinning activities to this to see how I've improved. In other news, I have been extremely monogamous with the February Lady Sweater. It's flying off the needles so this is a relatively quick knit for me. Monogamy to the project may have something to do with it. I also continue to gush how much I love this yarn with unabashed passion. I'm fighting the overwhelming desire to horde it just to have for a whim project. I don't normally horde, but goodness this stuff is sweet.

Well, I must get to bed. I have to run an early meeting. Toodles.


At 6:49 AM, Blogger Bea said...

Your spinning looks awesome!

At 12:25 PM, Blogger Kim said...

Kick ass job with the handspun. It does look like Manos! I am head over heeels for that color. FLS is flying indeed.

At 12:52 PM, Blogger Lesley said...

That handspun looks fabulous! I am still resisting the urge to spin, but seeing things like that makes me want to try!

Your FLS looks great! I plan on starting that one soon too -- and yes, I stole the idea from you after I saw it in your Ravelry queue!

At 9:09 PM, Blogger Kristy said...

Your handspun looks great, and WOW, you're making progress on the sweater!

At 11:40 PM, Blogger Jenn said...

Your handspun looks fabulous. I have a ton of fiber and a couple of spindles and I just cannot figure it out quite yet. I'm hoping once we're finished moving I can pick it up and actually learn something.

The February sweater's on my list too, and yours is helping it race up the queue. Looks beautiful!

At 5:27 AM, Blogger Sue said...

Your yarn looks very pretty. I love the FLS too, gorgeous.

At 10:36 PM, Blogger Thea said...

you're in your green phase - both are gorgeous!


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