*Gush* Awww, I was nominated. Bobbi nominated me for the "you make my day award. Thanks Bobbi!
Here’s how it works: Give the award to up to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel so happy about Blogland! Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so that they can pass it on. Beware! You may get the award several times!
Choosing just 10 is really hard because I like all of the blogs I read daily. Like Bobbi I don't like folks feeling left out at all. There are a few regular posters, (more regular than myself ahem) that really give me something fun to do when I'm trying to decompress on my lunch hour. In no particular order, here are my 10:
Bobbi of Kelly-Green Rogue is likewise one of my daily haunts. Her photos are always fantastic and her projects are amazing. She is a red-head with a affection for GREEN so we girls gotta stick together! The more we talk the more alike we find we really are in personality, sense of humor, and projects.
Robin over at Yarn Crawl is a knitting machine! Her projects are always so lovely and my goodness she's fast! You blink and the next day she has an FO to share. She is also talented with the sewing machine and an inspiration as she chronicles her sewing classes. She is always fun to email and joke back and forth....Not to mention a great yarn swap partner :-)
Bea from BAA BAA Blacksheep is another fantastic knitter. We met on the Bulldog Knits Group on Ravelry and have been corresponding regularly ever since. So between of love of knitting and bulldogs, can it get any better? I love reading her blog and, of course, popping over to say hi her her bully babies, Abby and Gus.
Thea at Babycocktails and Knitting and I met through Ravelry. She has excellent taste in picking colors for patterns, which for some knitters, causes major anxiety. She has created some lovely free patterns and if you haven't been past her blog lately, you need to check out her Alene Wrap. It's incredible. She is donating the proceeds to the FINCA Village Banking Organization which provides support to people in poorer countries help to start their own small businesses. I so believe knitters are some of the most incredibly generous and caring folk. Here is a prime example of that. Pay it forward....
Enchanting Juno - A fellow local SnB'r who is not only a fabulous knitter, but also a talented writer. Her blog posts are intelligent, witty, and I'm always guaranteed to be entertained. All this time I have been visiting her blog and I finally ended up meeting her , at all places, but our local knitting group. Who knew? I'm glad I did because she is just as engaging in person.
Savannahchik Knits - As another fellow local SnB'r, I stumbled upon her blog as a new knitter. I found her tutorials helpful and her knits inspiring. She's really nice to chat with in person and offers her skills for those of us that might need serious help with our Rogue hood seams. Thanks Jody! I'll let you know how I do.
Ms. Green Apples is a super knitter and crocheter. I find her extremely talented and found her blog when I was looking for folks that had done the same pattern I was contemplating. She is another knitter with a perfect knack for choosing just the right color and her sizing is always perfect. Not too mention, she is another fellow redhead. I always enjoy seeing her perfectly finished objects and commentary.
A Friend to Knit With takes breathtaking photos. She has a knack for all things crafty. She completed the most beautiful version of Silver Belle from the Vogue Knitting 25th Anniversary. It inspired me to put that in my queue immediately. If you haven't seen it, go check it out. It's gorgeous.
Jessica at Zarzuela Knits and Crochets is a fellow knitting group member. She knits socks that make my head spin and she can knock them out fast. Speaking of spinning, she does that too with very pretty results.
Kristy at Eleven Stitches is another fellow SnBer and talented knitter. She is also a prolific knitter cranking out sweaters, hats, and socks, in what seems like lightning speed to me. Her blog posts are fun and so is she. She just got married too. Yeah! Congrats!
Keeping true with my daily reads, I hopped on over to Robin's blog and picked up this cute little meme she did. Here are my answers:
What time is it? 12:44 PM
What's your full name? Sharon Ann Burket
What is the most recent movie that you have seen in a theater? *um kicks rocks* I don't go to the movies often so....The Simpsons Movie with the "Hubs"
What are you most afraid of? Lightning. Tampa Bay, FL would NOT be a good place for me to live.
Place of birth? Trenton, NJ
Favorite food? Couscous and really any Indian food
What's your natural hair color? Auburn-ish
Ever been to Alaska ? No, but my BIL lives there. I really should go visit.
Ever been toilet paper rolling? My Dad would have killed me so let's just say NO
Love someone so much it made you cry? Yes
Been in a car accident? 1998. I had to leave the Fire Company and EMS unit I volunteered with because I couldn't lift people or wear an air pack anymore. The hubs wasn't too thrilled about the idea of running into burning buildings. *shrugs*
Croutons or bacon bits? Croutons, of the Paula Deen, cornbread variety
Favorite day of the week? Saturday
Favorite restaurant? Little Marrakesh or Crown of India (it's a toss-up depending on how my GERD is that day)
Favorite Flower? Gardenias, bet your thought I was going to say Rose of Sharon, huh?
Favorite sport to watch? Hockey with the hubs
Favorite drink? Non-alcoholic= Gold Peak Iced Tea, Alcoholic= Mojito or Guinness (depends on my mood and location)
Favorite ice cream? Chocolate Chip Mint and I don't care if it's "green" or not.
Disney or Warner Brothers? Disney
Ever been on a ship? Twice
What color is your bedroom carpet? Eeeeeh, wrong answer. Hardwood floors
How many times did you fail your driver's test? Never, cause dear old dad let me drive around the neighborhood on his lap when I was eleven. Sshh!
Before this one, from whom did you get an e-mail? I pilfered it from Robin's blog.
What do you do when you are bored? Knit, buy yarn, play on Ravelry, read blogs, watch Bollywood music videos, Food TV
Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest? Not sure
Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? Not sure
Who is the person that you are most curious to see their responses? Not sure
Favorite TV show? Good Eats on Food Network
Last person you went to dinner with? My SIL, Tammy, my MIL, and Hubs
What time do you get up? 7:00 AM
What are your favorite colors? Green and orange.
How many tattoos do you have? Zilch
How many pets do you have? 2 beastie dogs- Cartman, the snoring English bulldog beastie, and Annie, the Daschund, otherwise known in our house as "little girl" or "dragon breath (DB for short)
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? I really care not sacrifice a fold in my brain to answer that question.
What do you want to do before you die? There's so many I couldn't possibly list them but I am working really hard on checking things off in that "1000 Things to See Before You Die" book. I got the rare ones in India down as well as Tunisia.
Have you ever been to Hawaii? No
Have you been to countries outside the U.S. ? India, Tunisia, Italy, Spain, Malta, Ireland, Germany, Aruba, Mexico, Bahamas, and Canada so far.
How many people are you sending this e-mail to? 1 post to the blog. Play along if you'd like. C'mon, it'll be fun.
Time this survey ended? 1:07 PM